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Connect, the quarterly newsletter of Compliance & Risks, is out now!
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- An in-depth look at the Impact of Brexit on Product Compliance
- Expert Knowledge Partner commentary ‘Reviewing the UK Product Safety Framework: Will the UK Stay Aligned With the EU?’ by Cooley
- Our latest webinar ‘Brazil: Implementation of New Telecom Conformity Scheme & Regulatory Updates Affecting 2021 Approvals’, presented by Elizabeth Perrier, CEO, ORBIS Compliance
- A copy of our latest white papers: ‘What’s New in the EU Draft Batteries and Waste Batteries Regulation?’ and ‘Managing Product Compliance in the GCC: Key Developments in 2020’
- Our C2P ‘Top Tips’
- What’s trending in compliance legislation
- News alerts across key areas from Batteries and Energy Efficiency to Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery