See the latest Connect newsletter – September 19
Connect, the quarterly newsletter of Compliance & Risks, is out now!
Sign up to get your free copy, which includes:
- Our C2P ‘Top Tips‘
- An invitation to our free upcoming webinars: ‘Sporting and Fashion Heritage: Managing Your Labelling Requirements and Safeguarding Against the Regulatory Avalanche’ and ‘Regulatory Updates and Analysis of China RoHS 2’
- Copies of our latest white papers: ‘Internet of Things: Regulatory Ecosystem and Consumer Product Health and Safety’ and ‘China RoHS 2: What is Required? How to Comply?’
- Expert Knowledge Partner commentary ‘Updates to EEE Industry Declarable Substances List’ by Walter Jager of ECD Compliance
- News alerts across key areas such as: Brexit, Climate Change, RoHS, Wireless and more
- What’s trending in compliance legislation
- Details on the ICPHSO 2019 International Symposium