EAEU Launches Consultation on Chemicals Notification System & Registry

On 16 February 2021, the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) opened a public consultation on the revised text of its long awaited-decision aiming to approve the procedure for the formation and maintenance of a registry of chemicals and mixtures placed on the EAEU market.
Based on Section 12 of Chapter IV and Chapter XI of the EAEU TR 041/2017, the core of the revised proposal is contained in two distinct Annexes outlining procedures for the creation of a Union’s chemicals inventory and new chemicals notification. These include:
- A list of official information sources on chemicals recommended for use by applicants in the preparation of documents for conformity assessment and by authorized bodies in the formation of national parts of the Register
- A list of chemicals classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxicants of hazard classes 1 and 2
- Measures determining the grounds for refusing state registration of chemical products
- Recommendations on how to complete chemical safety report
- Procedure for interaction between authorized bodies and applicants in the framework of the notification of new chemicals, etc.
The Annex on the formation and maintenance of the chemicals registry provides that the resulting inventory will contain two main parts: a registry for chemicals and a registry for mixtures. Additionally, for a chemical/mixture to be included in the register, an information dossier shall be created for each chemical/mixture with the assignment of an unique nine-digit serial number consisting of a character/letter denoting whether the chemical is a substance or mixture followed by 8-digit serial numbers.
The revised draft measures also prescribes the following new deadlines as regards member states competent authorities designation and a new transitional period for late inventory notification:
- 1 July 2021 for authorities which will oversee the formation and maintenance of the register of chemicals and mixtures
- 1 September 2021 state bodies authorized to conduct state registration of chemical substances and mixtures in each Union member state
- 1 November 2024 for the inclusion of a substance in the Union’s chemical registry without notification procedure
The consultation is opened to comment from interested parties until 1 April 2021.
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