Georgia to Require Energy Labels for Energy-Consuming Products

The Parliament of Georgia has published a Law regarding energy labeling to mandate the supply of standard information and additional information on the energy consumption of products placed on the Georgian market.
The law is applicable to power-consuming products that have a direct or indirect significant effect on the consumption of energy or other resources and defined by Technical Regulation. Energy-consuming products are defined in Article 3(a).
Notable exclusions from the requirements imposed by the law are:
- Secondary products imported and not placed on the market for further sale;
- Vehicles used for transportation / shipping;
- Product data or other equivalent information to be placed on the product for the purpose of product safety.
Supplier Obligations
Suppliers of affected products must provide a label and a product information sheet with the product, in accordance with the form provided in the relevant technical regulations.
The supplier must produce technical documentation sufficient to enable verification of the accuracy of the information on the product sheet. The technical documentation must include the following:
- A general description of the product;
- The results of calculations made when designing the product;
- Test reports, including reports developed by relevant accredited organisations; and
- When the product characteristics are used for a similar model, the relevant guidance to identify that model.
The supplier must keep all technical documentation relating to the product for 15 years following the placing of the product on the market. The supplier must provide the relevant authorized person with the electronic version of the technical documentation within 10 business days of receiving the written request from the relevant authorized person.
The supplier is obligated to provide the seller of the product, free of charge, with the requisite labels and product information sheets. The supplier is obliged to supply the seller with such labels upon request or within 5 business days of the request.
Seller Obligations
Sellers must ensure that the relevant label is placed on the product and that the product is accompanied by a product information sheet provided by the product supplier. The seller is obliged to comply with the requirements required by the Law and the relevant technical regulations for placing such products on the market.
In case of a change in the energy consumption scale of the product, when placing a product on the market the supplier may provide the seller with both the existing label and the scaled label before the expiry of the applicable technical regulations.
Article 11(3) anticipates the enactment, by 31 December 2020, of implementing technical regulations specific to the following products:
- dishwashers for domestic use;
- household refrigeration equipment;
- household washing machines;
- televisions;
- air conditioners for domestic use;
- household ventilation units;
- professional refrigeration storage cabinets;
- household heaters;
- solid fuel boilers.
By 30 April 2021 the Government will approve energy labeling rules for:
- household cookers and cooker hoods;
- vacuum cleaners;
- temperature control solar panels;
- electric lamps;
- household dryers;
- household washer-dryers.
This Law entered into force on 20 December 2019, with the exception of Articles 1 to 10. Article 1 to 10 of this Law shall enter into force on 31 December 2020.
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