Jordan to Model Product Safety Legislation After EU

The 18-month twinning project between the Jordan Institution for Standards and Metrology (JISM) and the EU has concluded. The project aimed to prepare Jordan to negotiate mutual recognition of the Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (ACAA) and to facilitate bilateral trade by ensuring that Jordanian products meet the EU’s expectations of quality.
One major outcome of the project included the draft of several draft technical regulations aiming to align the Jordanian legislation on product safety in the field of radio, electronic equipment, toys, and pressure equipment to EU legislation. These drafts are not yet publicly available.
The project also enabled the introduction of EU approved international inspection standards for gas and household appliances and the extensive training of laboratory personnel in the detection of prohibited substances like Bisphenol A in certain products entering the Jordanian market.
Additional information is available on the JISM website.
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