Switzerland Updates Energy Efficiency Regulations for Appliances

The Swiss Federal Council has decided to amend the country’s Ordinance on electrical equipment energy efficiency requirements (OEEE) with the view to reduce the electricity consumption of new electrical appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, and refrigeration equipment including those with direct-sale capability such as lamps and fixtures, electronic displays, transformers, motors, servers, power supplies, air heaters and welding equipment.
The proposal also aspires to facilitate trade with the EU by incorporating into Swiss law the new, more stringent EU energy efficiency requirements. For refrigerators and freezers, the Swiss legislation currently in force, which is already stricter than the new EU provisions, shall be maintained. Refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function currently not subject to the OEEE, shall be subject to the same conditions as other refrigerating appliances.
This revision reintroduces the original A to G scale used to categorize the different efficiency classes for appliances, setting the bar significantly higher for energy efficiency. An appliance previously classified as A+++ will now fall into categories B or C. It also introduces new requirements for the indication of energy consumption in sales documents and advertising, as well as certain provisions concerning repairs, the provision of spare parts and the reuse of equipment.
This proposal will not be subject to public consultation given that it does not have a major political, financial, economic, ecological, social or cultural impact. Some of the planned changes will enter into force on 15 May 2020, while others impacting Annexes (amendment, addition, repeal) will apply at the beginning of or during 2021.
Amended Annexes
- 1.1 Refrigeration appliances: effective 1 March 2021
- 1.2 Washing machines (the content of Annex 1.4, repealed on 1 March 2021, will be incorporated into it): entry into force on 1 March 2021
- 1.5 Dishwashers: entry into force on 1 March 2021
- 1.8 Vacuum cleaners (abolition of the energy label): entry into force on 15 May 2020
- 1.12 Electronic displays: entry into force on 1 March 2021
- 2.2 External power supply units: entry into force on 15 May 2020
- 2.7 Electric motors: entry into force on 1 July 2021
- 2.10 Transformers: entry into force on 15 May 2020
New Annexes
- 1.21 Refrigerating appliances with a direct selling function: effective 1 March 2021
- 1.22. Light sources and separate control gear (repeal of Annexes 1.9., 1.10., 1.11. and 3.1. on 1 September 2021): entry into force on 1 September 2021
- 2.11 Air heaters, coolers, industrial high-temperature chillers and fan coil units: entry into force on 1 January 2021
- 2.12 Servers and data storage products (application of Annex 2.3 to computers only): entry into force on 15 May 2020
- 2.13 Welding equipment: effective January 1, 2021
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