Turkey Issues Several Communiqués on Ecodesign and Energy Labeling

As a candidate country of the EU, Turkey is continuously in the process of transposing EU legislation into national law. To further this integration, the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology has submitted an Energy Efficiency Labeling Framework Regulation, modeled on the EU Energy Labeling Framework Regulation 2017/1369, and 12 draft Communiqués on ecodesign and energy labeling to the World Trade Organization (WTO) this week.
A revised draft regulation on ecodesign requirements, originally proposed on 3 July 2017, was also published. This draft proposes to repeal the existing regulation published on 7 October 2010 and is modeled on the Directive 2009/125/EC.
The 12 Communiqués notified to the WTO include:
- Ecodesign requirements for refrigerating appliances, published 25 February 2021
- Ecodesign requirements for servers and online data storage products, published 26 February 2021
- Ecodesign requirements for electronic displays, published 26 February 2021
- Ecodesign requirements for standby, off and networked standby mode electric power consumption of electrical and electronic household and office equipment, published 26 February 2021
- Ecodesign requirements for computers and computer servers, published 26 February 2021
- Ecodesign requirements for refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function, published 26 February 2021
- Ecodesign requirements for household washing machines and household washer-dryers, published 1 March 2021
- Ecodesign requirements of household dishwashers, published 1 March 2021
- Energy labeling of refrigerating appliances, published 26 February 2021
- Energy labeling of household washing machines and household washer-dryers, published 1 March 2021
- Energy labeling of electronic displays, published 1 March 2021
- Energy labeling of household dishwashers, published 1 March 2021
Whilst several of the draft Communiqués contain a proposed date of entry into force of 1 March 2021, they have not yet been published in the Official Gazette and are therefore not yet in force.
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