USA Proposes Amendments of Test Procedures for Clothes Washers

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has published a proposed rule to amend rules 10 CFR 429, 10 CFR 430, and 10 FR 431 regarding residential and commercial clothes washers.
The proposed rule would amend Appendix J2 and Appendix J3, and replace Appendix J1 with a new Appendix J. It would also revise the enforcement rule at 10 CFR 429.134 and the consumption measurements at 10 CFR 430.23.
Appendix J2 would specify test conditions, instrument specifications, and test settings; address large clothes container capacities; add product-specific enforcement provisions. Appendix J3 amendments would revise test cloth-related provisions and codify verification procedures currently used by industry.
Appendix J would be based on the content of Appendix J2, with modifications for certain test conditions, measurement of average cycle time, required test cycles, tested load sizes, semi-automatic clothes washer provisions, new performance metrics, and updated usage factors. Appendix J would become the basis for the determination of compliance with the updated standards, and for evaluation and issuance of efficiency standards.
The comment period extends to November 1, 2021. The Docket for this rulemaking is EERE-2016-BT-TP-0011 RIN:1904-AD95. Comments may be submitted by email at or on the Federal eRulemaking portal. You can view the DOE’s webpage for clothes washers here.
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