What’s Trending In Compliance In June 2024

This blog was originally posted on 24th June, 2024. Further regulatory developments may have occurred after publication. To keep up-to-date with the latest compliance news, sign up to our newsletter.
At Compliance & Risks we help manufacturers, retailers and their supply chain partners to monitor and manage global regulations via C2P, our compliance knowledge management platform.
We break down some of the top compliance trends in June 2024 that are generating the most interest globally this month.
1. UK: Using the UKCA Mark, Guidance Document, Revised, May 2024
On 17 May 2024, the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy published a revised guidance on using the UKCA Mark. Product areas that are covered by the UKCA marking and are included in this guidance are as follows:
- Toys;
- Pyrotechnics;
- Recreational craft and personal watercraft;
- Simple pressure vessels;
- Electromagnetic compatibility;
- Non-automatic weighing instruments;
- Measuring instruments;
- Measuring container bottles;
- Lifts;
- Equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres (UKEX);
- Radio equipment;
- Pressure equipment;
- Personal protective equipment (PPE);
- Gas appliances;
- Machinery;
- Equipment for use outdoors;
- Aerosol dispensers; and
- Low-voltage electrical equipment.
2. UK: Placing Manufactured Goods on the Market in Great Britain, Guidance Document, Revised, May 2024
Together with the guidance on using the UKCA Mark, on 17 May 2024, the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy also published a revised guidance elaborating on the rules for placing manufactured products on the market in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland).
UK conformity assessment (UKCA) marking is to be used on products placed on the market in Great Britain, which shows that such products comply with the legislative requirements that apply in Great Britain.
The guidance covers the following areas:
- Toys;
- Pyrotechnics;
- Recreational craft and personal watercraft;
- Simple pressure vessels;
- Electromagnetic compatibility;
- Non-automatic weighing instruments;
- Measuring instruments;
- Measuring container bottles;
- Lifts;
- Equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres (UKEX);
- Radio equipment;
- Pressure equipment;
- Personal protective equipment (PPE);
- Gas appliances;
- Machinery;
- Equipment for use outdoors;
- Aerosol dispensers; and
- Low-voltage electrical equipment.
3. France: General Policy Framework for the Ecodesign of Digital Services, Policy Document, May 2024
In May 2024, two French authorities – the Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication (ARCOM) and the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts (ARCEP) – published a general policy framework for the ecodesign of digital services.
The policy document aims to establish recommendations in order to support voluntary adoption of an ecodesign approach. It aims to become a tool for action and raise awareness. As stated in the goals of the document, there are four main goals that this framework tries to achieve:
- Designing more sustainable digital services to extend the lifespan of devices;
- Promoting a mindset of striving for eco-sufficiency;
- Decreasing the IT resources used throughout the lifecycle of a digital service;
- Improving transparency on the footprint of digital services.
The scope of the policy framework document extends to all digital services, thus can be utilized for services such as websites, installable software, APIs, video platforms, software as a service (SaaS) solutions, AI-based tools, etc.
4. Canada: Reporting of Certain Plastic Resins and Products for the Federal Plastics Registry for 2024, 2025 and 2026, Notice, April 2024
On 20 April 2024, Canadian Department of the Environment and Climate Change issued a Notice with respect to reporting of certain plastic manufactured items for 2024, 2025, and 2026.
Products in scope include, among others:
- Resins involved in the manufacturing of plastics (identified by their codes under the North American Product Classification System);
- Packaging, including primary, secondary and tertiary packaging;
- Electronic and Electrical Equipment (EEE);
- Textiles and apparel.
The Notice applies to the calendar years 2024, 2025, and 2026.
- Information pertaining to the 2024 calendar year would be required to be provided no later than September 29, 2025.
- Information pertaining to the 2025 calendar year would be required to be provided no later than September 29, 2026.
- Information pertaining to the 2026 calendar year would be required to be provided no later than September 29, 2027.
Persons subject to this Notice shall submit the required information by using the online portal.
5. Turkey: Quality Infrastructure and Market Surveillance, Guidance Document, May 2024
In May 2024, the Turkish Ministry of Trade published a guidance document on quality infrastructure and market surveillance. The document identifies Turkish market surveillance authorities as per specific product groups, such as pressure equipment, cosmetics, medical devices, food contact materials, toys, childcare products, textiles, radio and telecommunication terminal equipment, etc.
The guidance document also describes market surveillance activities and procedures as well as Türkiye’s quality infrastructure and notified bodies.
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