Product Demos 2 min read

C2P ESG Solution Demo

C2P ESG Solution Demo

Demo Overview

Accelerate your ESG Compliance with our ESG Solution, a smarter way for organizations to meet mandatory ESG obligations.

  • Access comprehensive ESG regulatory content coverage over eight ESG content areas: ESG Reporting, Human Trafficking & Slavery, Climate Disclosures, Human Rights – Affected Communities, Labor & Employment, Supply Chain Due Diligence, Sustainable Resource Use, Anti Bribery & Corruption. 
  • Empower your ESG & sustainability leadership to demonstrate to the board and investors that you have robust ESG controls in place to effectively navigate the regulatory landscape.
  • Provide you & your team with precise ESG legal requirements for today & tomorrow, identify future risks, and enable you to prioritize the most impactful ESG initiatives.
  • Integrate both corporate compliance and product compliance in one streamlined platform, solidifying Compliance & Risks as the global leader in this combined approach.

Interested in learning how all of this is possible? See for yourself by watching our quick on-demand demos!


mary laura kennedy

Mary Laura Kennedy, Solution Engineer

As a Solution Engineer at Compliance & Risks, Mary Laura Kennedy works daily with companies across the globe and multiple industries to ensure that we can provide the best Compliance Solution for them.

With a background in Legal Technology, she brings both regulatory and technical knowledge to Compliance & Risks where she frequently provides comprehensive demonstrations of C2P and guides our customers and prospects in leveraging technology to fit their compliance needs.

Visishta (Vish) Karasani, Product Marketing Manager

Vish is a Product Marketing Manager at Compliance & Risks, with over 8 years of international experience working in highly competitive industries and at hyper-growth startups.

An avid storyteller, her product marketing philosophy begins with listening to Compliance & Risks’ customers, understanding their pain points, solving for their problems and building for their future.