Regulatory Content
Illegal Logging Requirements
We cover illegal logging regulations which typically impose obligations on importers and traders of wood and wood products.
Illegal Logging
Countries Covered
Sources in C2P
Understanding Illegal Logging
Illegal logging is the harvesting, processing, transporting, buying or selling of timber in contravention of national and international laws. Illegal logging regulations typically impose obligations on importers and traders of wood and wood products to:
- Provide reports on product suppliers
- Maintain records of this information for a certain specified time frame and
- Affix CE Marking and other labels (if products fall within the EU Construction Products regime)
- Exercise ‘due diligence’ to ensure they supply products made of legally harvested timber. To this end, operators must use a due diligence system
Our Regulatory Coverage of Illegal Logging & Deforestation Global Regulations
Our regulatory content in C2P is historically comprehensive with a robust QA process to ensure quality, consistency and accuracy. Below is a high level summary of our coverage for this topic:
- Australia: Illegal Logging Prohibition Act, 2012
- Australia: Illegal Logging Prohibition Regulations, SLI 2012 No. 271
- CITES: International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Convention, 1973
- Croatia: Implementation of the EU Regulations on Timber and Timber Products, Law NN 25/2018
- Denmark: Trade in Timber and Timber Products, Order No. 849/2016
- EU: Obligations of Operators Who Place Timber and Timber Products on the Market, Regulation (EU) No 995/2010 (EU Timber Regulation)
- EU: Review of Obligations of Operators Who Place Timber and Timber Products on the Market, Regulation (EU) No 995/2010 – Inception Impact Assessment, Consultation Document, January 2018
- EU: Detailed Rules Concerning the Due Diligence System and the Frequency and Nature of the Checks on Monitoring Organisations, Regulation (EU) No 607/2012
- EU: Establishment of a FLEGT Licensing Scheme for Imports of Timber into the European Community, Regulation (EC) No 2173/2005
- EU: Measures for the Implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 2173/2005 on the Establishment of a FLEGT Licensing Scheme for Imports of Timber into the European Community, Regulation (EC) No 1024/2008
- Japan: Promoting the Distribution and Use of Legally Harvested Wood, Law No. 48, 2016 (Clean Wood Act)
- South Korea: Sustainable Use Of Timber Act, No 11429, 2012
- China: Forest Law, 1984
- Peru: Illegal logging and Forest Timber Trafficking, Legislative Decree No. 1220, 2015
- USA: Lacey Act, 16 USC 3371-78, as Amended 2008
- UK: Timber and Timber Products (Placing on the Market) Regulations, SI 2013/233
- UK: Timber and Timber Products (Placing on the Market) Regulations, SI 2013/233 – Amendment – (on EU Exit) Regulations, SI 2018/1025
Ensure Legal Compliance
- Forestry Regulatory Compliance
- EU Regulations on Timber Products
- Comply With Lacey Act
- Supply Chain Compliance
- Achieve & Maintain Market Access
Why Compliance & Risks?
- End-to-end Compliance Solutions
- Keep Track of Regulatory Changes for Logging
- Manage and Comply with Global Regulations & Standards
- Easily Collect Evidence to Prove Compliance
- Easy to Use and Intuitive Compliance Solution
- All necessary Evidence in one place
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