26 March, 2025
08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 17:00 CET
How to Demonstrate Compliance for All Products in All Markets

Webinar Overview
Managing product compliance effectively has always been challenging. The most critical question for compliance professionals is “Can I sell product X in market Y?”, and as product requirements evolve, “Can I continue to sell product X in market Y?”
This webinar will show how C2P Product Compliance can help you achieve, maintain and demonstrate compliance for all products in all markets.
The webinar covers:
- Requirement & Evidence Management: Procure, document and link all evidence records to relevant requirements to demonstrate compliance in a single tool
- Product Compliance Specs: Identify if all relevant requirements and evidence are complete to achieve market access for a specific product
- Impact Assessment Workflow: Keep on top of change and reduce the impact to redevelopment and product compliance