修理する権利 (Right to Repair) 主要な世界的規制の概要

Please note: This webinar will be conducted in Japanese.
Webinar Overview
In 2024, the new right to repair rules were finally adopted in the European Union, ensuring affordable repairs for selected products. This webinar will clarify manufacturers’ obligations to repair beyond the legal guarantee period as well as the information to be provided to consumers. We will also provide an overview of the US state Right to Repair legislation, including enacted and proposed bills as well as some key regulatory developments in other countries such as Canada, Brazil and New Zealand. The aim of the webinar is to help companies understand and manage the key obligations impacting their business in this every growing area so that they can stay ahead in today’s regulatory landscape.
C2P is an enterprise SaaS platform that helps global companies unlock market access and prove compliance for products in over 195 countries. Equipping your compliance team with C2P enables you to identify relevant regulations worldwide, communicate requirements, & provide evidence that your product is ready to go to market. Through partnering with Compliance & Risks, we help you relieve your team of manual fact-finding tasks and enable them to focus on critical business initiatives.
Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving product compliance regulatory landscape. Register now to secure your spot!
Webinar Agenda
- ウェビナーのアジェンダ
- EU 修理権指令の概要とタイムライン
- 米国の州で制定および提案されている修理権法の概要
- その他の国の修理する権利
- Overview and timelines of the EU Right to Repair Directive
- Overview of enacted and proposed US state Right to Repair legislation
- Right to Repair in other countries
- And much more!
This webinar took place on Wednesday, 5th March, 2025 at 16:00 JST – 08:00 CET – 23:00 PST – 02:00 EDT. このウェビナーは、2025 年 3 月 5 日水曜日の 16:00 JST – 08:00 CET – 23:00 PST – 02:00 EDT に開催されます。
Further regulatory developments may have occurred after publication. To keep up-to-date with the latest compliance news, sign up to our newsletter.
山本裕子: コンプライアンス法規制のスペシャリスト
Yuko Yamamoto, Regulatory and Compliance Specialist, Compliance & Risks
Compliance and RisksのGlobal Regulatory Compliance TeamでRegulatory and Compliance Specialistとして勤務。法政大学法学部法律学科を卒業後、日本の大手法律事務所でリーガル・アシスタントとして5年以上勤務。在職中は、主に相続や抵当権など土地に関する登記書類の作成に携わり、会社設立や関連する会社変更の書類作成にも携わった。
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Yuko holds a Bachelor of Law degree from Hosei University in Japan and has over five years of experience working as a legal assistant at a major Japanese legal firm. During her time there, she was primarily involved in preparing registration documents for clients dealing with inheritance, mortgages, and other land-related registrations, as well as drafting documents for company formation and related corporate changes.
Since joining the company in 2022, she has been primarily responsible for researching Japanese regulations and monitoring regulatory updates daily. She also liaises with the relevant Japanese authorities for inquiries and clarifications whenever necessary. She is also involved in entering information into C2P and summarizing regulatory details from different countries around the world.
藤岡 輝道: 事業開発責任者
Terumichi Fujioka, Business Development Executive, Compliance & Risks
Compliance and RisksーCalifornia Office のSales Team で日本企業対象の窓口業務を担当。工学院大学建築学科を卒業後、建設業界で営業職に従事。渡米後にフリーランスでの工業英語翻訳業を経て、2017年にCompliance and Risksに入社、現在に至る。
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Terumichi operates from the California office of Compliance and Risks as the Japanese counterpart to the sales team. He has a Bachelor of Architecture from Kogakuin University and has worked in sales in the construction industry. After moving to the U.S., he worked as a freelance industrial English translator. He joined Compliance and Risks in 2017 and has been with the company ever since.