REACH Substances Restrictions in Articles: 2023 Roundup

Whitepaper Overview:
This whitepaper provides an overview of 2023 REACH substances restrictions regulatory measures impacting articles produced or placed into the EU market.
It helps you to stay informed on the most recent enacted or proposed restricted substances in articles and related associated requirements under EU REACH, as well as on important dates/deadlines for compliance.
This Whitepaper Covers:
- New additions to the Candidate List
- Annex XVII restrictions update
- Current key restrictions proposals
*This whitepaper was originally published on 17th October, 2023. Further regulatory developments may have occurred after publication. To keep up-to-date with the latest compliance news, sign up to our newsletter.
Dieudonné Ymedji, Senior Regulatory Compliance Specialist, Compliance & Risks
Dieudonné Ymedji is a Senior Regulatory Compliance Specialist with the Global Regulatory Compliance Team since 2007.
He oversees and manages regulatory developments on a number of topics including EU REACH, Chemicals in Products, Chemicals Management, GHS and Nanotechnology.
Dieudonné has a LLB in Environmental Law and a MSc in Information Systems for Business Performance from UCC, Cork.