Whitepapers 12 MIN READ

The Development of Packaging EPR in the USA, Canada and Mexico

Jul 17, 2023 The Development of Packaging EPR in the USA, Canada and Mexico

Whitepaper Overview:

In recent years packaging requirements and the development of packaging EPR systems have become more topical in the USA, Canada and Mexico, as these countries search for ways to reduce the generation of packaging waste. 

However, despite the increased political interest in packaging EPR systems, specific legislation has yet to be enacted at a federal level in these countries, leading to a growing divergence in requirements as states have begun enacting their own packaging EPR obligations.

This whitepaper provides an overview of current legal requirements for packaging producers in the USA, Canada and Mexico and outlines upcoming and proposed legal changes across the North American continent.

It aims to provide you with the latest regulatory information to help your business better respond to changing regulations and ensure compliance for your products.

This Whitepaper Covers:

  • Current legal requirements across the USA, Canada and Mexico for packaging producers
  • Differences in state and federal packaging requirements
  • Plastic packaging trends

*This whitepaper was originally published on 17th July, 2023. Further regulatory developments may have occurred after publication. To keep up-to-date with the latest compliance news, sign up to our newsletter.


Freida Wueschner Gubbins, Senior Regulatory Compliance Specialist, Compliance & Risks

Freida is a Senior Global Regulatory Compliance Specialist with nearly 10 years experience working with Compliance & Risks.

She keeps clients up to date on a number of regulatory areas including; packaging,
single-use plastics and the transport of dangerous goods.

Freida has a BA in European Studies and German and an MSc in Environmental, Health and Safety Management.